
November 27, 2009

$$Frugal Friday Tips$$

Our first $Frugal Friday$ reader tip is from Alissa of Alissa sent some frugal tips related to the way that new clothes can be used as frugal additions to your scrapbooking stash...
Alissa cuts off the ribbon that often comes attached to tops and dresses and uses it as a scrapbook embellishement.

She also said many items of clothing often come with spare buttons that she adds to her stash. This allows her to have a variety of buttons that can be used in layouts such as the one she did for my trip to Zurich .
In addition to Alissa's ideas of using items from new clothing - I would like to add, I have also used items from used clothing. When clothes are no longer worn I've been known to remove anything that may have "scrappy potential". I have some great snaps from one of my daughter's sweaters and a really cute felt embelishment off a child's shirt that says "genuine". I need to pull that out and scrap it!
Thanks Alissa for the great tips and also for triggering ideas of other frugal tips.
If you do a project this week using Alissa's or my tip - send pictures and a brief description, and they may be posted.
If you have a frugal tip you'd like to share please email me at and it may appear in a future "Frugal Friday" post.


  1. Great ideas Alissa! I haven't saved the ribbon before, never thought about it, something new to do. I have saved the buttons and used them. My husband was in a motorcycle accident and the EMT cut his jeans off him, after he was all better, I scrapped a page with the back pocket off his jeans and titled it... By the Seat of Your Pants. So many uses for clothes out there.

    Please join in and share your uses with us. Don't forget to follow our blog and check back for more tips and sneak peeks.

  2. These are some great tips, Alyssa!! I've also saved the buttons, but never thought of saving those ribbons!! TFS & Your Layouts are great too!!

  3. What a great tip! I can't wait to put this into practice! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Great idea Alissa...thanks for sharing. I never thought about the ribbon/buttons from new clothes. I too, like Kathy have been known to rip up "old" or "outgrown" clothes to find scrap material. I have even been known to purchase something at a thrift store or garage sale just because of it's scappiness (like some really pretty embroidered lace off of a $1 dress) -- Great idea to share! Thanks!!!

  5. Great idea! :) I am known to save just about every tag and item attached to new clothing too. I just love the tags and use them as either embellishments or inspiration. It's also fun to use them to document kids' sizes and clothing styles at certain ages.

  6. I also like to keep the tags not only for the sizes, but also for the brand names to show future generations what was HOT back then.
