
February 13, 2010

Special Valentine Challenge

40 By Christine

"What speaks more of love than 40 years of marriage??....well, maybe 50, 60, or 70 but we haven't had that many yet. I don't like this page, I am struggling with the photos and the book I am trying to put together. I know the recipients will be happy with whatever i do, I just wish I liked it better.
This is my oldest sister's 40th anniversary. Their kids threw them a surprise party and we were happy to be able to make the event. Here's to 40 more....they would only be 98 and 99!!!"


  1. Great embelishments - I like the way you used the 40.

    Thanks for sharing!

  2. I like the layout. The tux and dress are a great embellishment for this page.

    Thanks for playing along.
