
August 29, 2010

August Challenge

The August Challenge is to use Flowers on your project, preferably Do It Yourself Flowers. If you do make DIY flowers please include detailed instructions if possible. Your project can contain any kind of flowers - no rules here - just use up some of that stash! You can use as few or as many as you choose. Be creative!

To participate in the Challenge just submit your projects by sending a picture and description to . All projects will be posted here at Scrap Our Stash. All submissions must be received by 6:00 PM Central Time on August 31st. A winner will be chosen and given the opportunity to be a Guest Design Team Member for the month of November!

Be sure to check back daily for new Design Team, Guest Design Team, or Reader's projects to inspire you.


  1. Awesome challenge Kathy.
    I think handmade flowers are so popular these days.

  2. Looking forward to seeing what everyone does. Should be a fun and interesting month. Apologies to Malina, for some reason, I cannot comment on your layout. Looks great with all the brads and alot of pictures!

  3. Great challenge... thanks for the inspiration!!!!

  4. Great challenge! I never use flowers since i usually do all boy los so I am still working on this one!

  5. Hand made flowers are such a great way to make a page yours. I have a boy and love the option of making more masculine color flowers to match my pages.
