
August 12, 2010

Frugal friday Tip- Bottle Cap Flowers

Design Team member Christy has shared this flower related Frugal Friday Tip. She said, "a little while back, my son got a kit about using bottle caps to make craft projects. You can make a lot of neat things with bottle caps. In this "capsters" craft kit, they placed images, beads and anything you could think of. This got me to thinking of all the ways I could use bottle caps in scrapbooking. If you don't have bottle caps at home, that's ok. Craft stores sell them just for this purpose. You can also go into a restaurant and ask for them from their bar. They are usually willing to oblige. Just make sure you wash them and dry them well!

So here is what you will need: bottle caps, glossy accents(or a similar product), scraps of ribbon or paper, beads or anything else you wish to put inside your bottle cap, adhesive( I prefer glue dots for this project). If you want a scalloped daisy style will need a template (or if paper a punch) for scallops.Otherwise, strips of paper work fine. You can also use ribbon, crepe paper, felt, cloth,etc. *note, stiff paper may be difficult to work with. try this with a lighter weight paper first. I used K and Company paper for my example.

To get started, cut your scalloped strip of paper. Place a glue dot on the bottom of the cap and then begin folding/pleating the paper as you wind your way around the bottom of the cap. Apply adhesive as you go to keep your pleats in place.

Once you are finished, pour beads into the bottle cap or place whatever item you wish to go there. Then, fill the cap with the glossy accents. You will want to fill the cap to the top. This will help reduce any sharp edges the camp may have. You will need to let it dry fully before using it on your page or card.

If you wish, you can use a strip of paper or ribbon in place of the scalloped paper. The same principle applies...just keep adding glue and folding the paper or ribbon as desired. A second "ring" or set of petals can be applied under the first if you want more dimension.

This is a great way to recycle while using up scraps. You end up with a very unique flower.

How fun is this. Why not try it on a project and share it with us here. We'd love to post it.
Do you have a frugal tip to share - send it to You could be featured as a future Frugal Friday Tip.


  1. So cool! I'm definitely going to try this one out =)

  2. Really cute flowers. I love this idea!

  3. This is a great idea - I know Ihave some of those bottle tops around! I'll have to try this one!

    Thanks for sharing!

  4. LOVE IT!!!!
    I'm sooo going to make some of this!

  5. So cute!!! I have some bottle caps I bought when I first started scrapbooking they are still in the package, I never knew what to do with them! Thanks for the great idea!!!
