
August 30, 2010

Meet Our September Guest Design Team Member - Mandy

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My name is Mandy, and I live in Dallas with my husband, Jack. I work as a Broadcast Editor for an international radio program, and Jack is a taekwondo instructor. I started scrapbooking in 2003, when I made a really terrible little scrapbook for Jack while we were dating. Since then, I've learned a lot more about good design and composition (thank goodness!). In my free time, I run a non-profit organization called Survival Mode Parent (, design digital scrapbook kits and blogs (, captain a BikeMS team (which raises money for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society), and spend time with Jack and our dog, Maggie.


  1. So great to learn more about you. You're definitely busy it sounds like but glad you can fit in scrapping too because your pages are great. And don't worry, we all have those first books we don't want to claim. ;)

  2. Sounds like you are very busy. I think it's good to have a hobby like scrapbooking to help stay sane and grounded.

  3. Welcome Mandy!
    Wow, you are one busy woman!

    Looking forward to work together this month!

  4. Wow! And you still have time to scrap!

    Welcome aboard - can't wait to see your future projects.

  5. whoah - and where do you find time to craft? what a great resume. looking forward to your creations. welcome welcome!

  6. You are one busy girl and yet you have time to make such beautiful layouts! Welcome to the SOS!

  7. Pretty and yummy layout! Good for you and all your scrapping. Welcome to SOS. I am looking forward to seeing more creations from you.

  8. WOW! you're really one busy woman!
    So good you find time to scrap, cause your work is so beautiful!
