
October 30, 2010

October Challenge by Kathy

I was finally able to complete my THAT project. I really needed this challenge to make me complete this layout about a special time my sisters and I spent with my dad before his Alzheimers took his mind from us. The pictures are not very good - but the most important part was the journaling. I have procrastinated doing this layout for a long time - I'm not big into journaling - but knew that this was important to capture my memories of that special time.

Posted by PicasaNow it's your turn to take the THAT project challenge. Hurry, the challenge ends at 6 PM on October 31st. See all the details in October Challenge below.


  1. What a beautiful, heartfelt layout. Your journaling is amazing and really captures how much you loved your dad.

  2. oh wow - the journaling must have been tough to do. it really captures the intimacy and memory that this had on you. i'm so glad you pushed us all to do THAT project.

  3. Oh, Kathy, you brought tears to my eyes with THAT layout of yours!
    Your journaling is so heart touching, and I can understand why it was "that" project that was so hard to do.
    You used perfect colors and you've made a stunning layout to capture the precious momemts.

  4. I know this was hard to make. I love it's simple elegance and the way the whole page captures it's feeling and tone.Now that it's done, I am sure you feel better and are glad to have this layout!

  5. Great layout and beautiful journaling.
