
May 29, 2011

May Flower Challenge by Colleen

Reader Colleen submitted this layout for the May Flower Challenge. She said:

I made the background using paint and a comb and a punch for the borders. The flowers are made from triangles, just folded and glued in place.

This was a challenge I created for Sisterhood of Scrap where you could use ONLY scissors in place of cutting shears, a punch instead of a hoe and a comb instead of a rake. It was a fun challenge and I loved making the flowers. Thanks for looking.

Now it's your turn to take the May Flower Challenge. See all the details HERE!

Be sure to scroll down the page - Scrap Our Stash posts something new everyday.
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  1. what a great effect you achieved with the comb and the flowers look great

  2. I love the pointed flowers...thye remind me of throwing stars!

  3. This is so creative! Using triangles for the flowers, a comb to create your background, and I like how the borders look like a belt on your page!

  4. Love the comb background - way cool!!!!

  5. Wow! The background is awesome! Have a great day!

  6. How creative! Love the dramatic color scheme and those triangle flowers are to die for!! Way to go!

  7. The colors on this really pop!!! Great flowers!! Thanks for sharing with us!!

  8. Great use of "stuff". Great triange flowers - you must teach us all how to do them.
