
August 2, 2011

Pagerize This Challenge # 12

Pagerizer # 11 Joni chose Tammy as our Pagerizer # 12.  Tammy Said:

Oh my gosh, I can't believe I won! Sorry I'm just getting back with you, we are getting ready to go out of town so things are just crazy here! I've attached a layout I did including memorabilia. My challenge is:  I'm not sure about anyone else, but I am big on saving tickets to different events such as recitals, concerts, NC State basketball games, and rodeos, as well as my tags from races and artwork my children have done. Unfortunately most of the time these items get put in a box and forgotten about. Well I decided I wanted to pull some out and put them on a page. Here are some photos of my husband and two of my kids at a rodeo. The photos aren't the best quality because they were taken with my husband's cell phone, but they're still cute. The memorabilia I used were two of the tickets to the rodeo. So, my challenge to you is to pull out some of that memorabilia you've saved but have stuck in a box and put them on a layout for everyone to enjoy!

Each month on the 15th we will post a new layout for you to "pagerize" (plagerize, copy, lift, steal) whatever term you want to use. The idea will be - to use the posted layout as your inspiration to create your own layout. You can "pagerize" as much or as little of the original layout as you choose. You may want to make a layout just like the one posted - or you may just want to use something about the layout as your inspiration. It's totally up to you. Submit your layout to
This challenge ends on August 12, 2011 at midnight central time. Then Tammy will choose a winner from the submissions. The winner will become our next Pagerizer.

Once you've completed your layout - email a picture and brief description to All entries will be posted here at Scrap Our Stash. The challenge runs through midnight central time on August 12th. The "Pagerizer" (in this case Tammy), will then choose a winner from all the entries. The winner will be announced on August 14th. Then the winner will be asked to submit a layout for us to "Pagerize" starting on the 15th of August.

Be sure to scroll down the page - Scrap Our Stash posts something new everyday.

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  1. Love this layout - great idea about the tickets! Thanks for the challenge!

  2. Very nice! Love the use of memorabilia!

  3. What a fun page! I love how you used the memorabilia and the circle shape photo. Now to get out my stash and pagerize you!

  4. I do this same thing! The extras get put in a drawer and I forget about them when I scrap the pics. Just went through all of this and sorted so I should be able to find something.

  5. Love your use of the tickets on this cute page!!!

  6. Great idea! I always keep my tickets to stuff, but never get around to using them!

  7. Great challenge, love your page, can't wait to have a go! K x

  8. Great page! I'm one of those who keeps things like tickets and forgets to use them, so this will be a good challenge for me!
