
December 11, 2011

Pagerize LaVikinga by Amanda

Reader Amanda submitted this layout for the Pagerize This Challenge # 16. She said:


I am new to your blog and was inspired to try the ‘pagerize this’ challenge following the purple layout from La Vikinga.

I took my inspiration from the bubble wrap stamped background and also used a single portrait photo with flowers, ribbon and black letters, but changed the rest of the colour scheme, and came up with this version.

Now it's your turn to take the Pagerize This Challenge # 16 - see all the details HERE!  The challenge ends at midnight on December 12th.  La Vikinga will choose a winner, who will then become our Pagerizer for the Pagerize This Challenge # 17.  


  1. Hi Amanda!

    Yes, your LO has definitevly kept my spirit playing with bubble plastic!!! Thanks! Your project is great with fab contrasting colours!!

    La Vikinga

  2. Just lovely! I'm going to have to try the bubble wrap, it's awesome.

  3. This is just gorgeous! Great color combo.

  4. Ooo, I like this! The red really pops!

  5. Bubble wrap is always fun to use! I love the striking simplicity of your page. A wonderful take on the challenge!

  6. Wow - cool use of the bubble wrap - and great take on the Pagerize This Challenge. Thanks for playing along with us here at Scrap Our Stash!

  7. Amanda, you really did a fab job pagerizing La Vikinga! The colors you used are great and I like the texture you got with the bubble wrap.

  8. Thank you for all your lovely comments. It was the first time I've used bubble wrap but I will definitely do it again. Amanda

  9. Wow! The pink really pops against the green. Great layout!
