
January 29, 2012

January Challenge by Christy

Design Team Member Christy submitted this layout for the January NEW challenge.  She said:

I homeschool my son and one of our favourite subjects is science. I tend to hoard science kits like I hoard scrapbook supplies. So my son and I made a commitment to not bring any more home until we used some kits up. This kicked off some good fun in our home, though I must admit, some of those kits were duds. As in...duds, not working, it's a no go. This was one such kit. Maybe the citrus was too old to conduct a charge.( we live on an island and it's shipped in). Maybe we had the wrong kind of penny or paper clip. Who knows!?!? We never got the light to come on using oranges and lemons as batteries. We still  had a great time and managed to learn about electricity. I took a bunch of photos for me to scrap which meant I not only used up a science kit, I used up stash too. It was a win-win all around.
Can you tell what's new on my page? Probably not. No hard feelings about that. It's hard to tell unless you know. I got Adobe Photoshop elements 10. I must say that it has helped me out quite a bit in the "having better photos" category. I still need to learn to take better pictures, but at least the ones I have look a tad better. I also used a large photo on my page thanks to the Cathy Zielske Design your life class at Big picture Classes. It's not something I would normally do. There is one other new thing on my page...I finally got around to weaving.
  Initially, I had just stitched boxes on the right hand page to even out the design.After stitching the boxes, I thought it needed a bit more than just a plain box with mist droplets in it. I was, sadly, too lazy to stitch a whole pattern inside the box. If I had planned things out, I would have evenly aligned the holes to make the weaving easier. So the weaving is a bit uneven. No matter, it turned out to look pretty interesting. I added some punched stars with a bit of glossy accents and ended up with some nice texture on my page. Here is a close up:

I wove the threads at random through various strands of the thread. It created this lovely pattern through the block. Proof positive that trying something new can yield a wonderful result.

So now it's your turn. Try a new tool, a new technique...anything new will do. Then share it with us at Scrap Our Stash!  


  1. Fantastic job! I love all the photos used and the large photos really makes the layout. Love the weaved thread! Very clever.

  2. This is so cool Christy!! I need you to show me how to use the Photoshop Element 10. I got it for Christmas too and am clueless!! LOL Really neat stitching.

  3. How resourceful of you and wat an interesting page you ended up with. I really like the weaving you used and I think your photos are excellent. xx

  4. Great 2 pager! Love the colors, big photo and weaving. Great job!

  5. Great layouts ... love the bright, zesty colours you've used, the photographs are fab and it's great that you now have a record of an interesting science project, even if it didn't quite work out as anticipated.

  6. Great colors and your weaving is perfect - the stars are a great addition.

  7. Great layout, I like how you added so many photos to your pages!
