
September 5, 2012

BTS by Brenda

Our BTS challenge this month has so many possibilities! Go here to see how you too can play and maybe be our next guest designer!!!Thanks, Deb♥

Remember our guest designer Brenda who was here last month? Well, Brenda, created such lovely projects to share that I just had to offer her a position here at SOS! Here is she is today with her BTS and what she would like us to know about it:

I could not wait to scrap this adorable photo of my great nephew taken on his first day of school and this challenge was the perfect opportunity. My mojo has been on vacation lately and I think this cute photo and fun school themed papers and chipboard from the Fancy Pants “Off To School” collection was just what I need to get my scrap on!

The challenge was to use (B)ack (T)o (S)chool as the inspiration to create a project and here is what I came up with:
(B) Border, Bracket, Buttons, Brown
(T) Tag, Tab, Thickers
(S) Star, Sneaker, Sketch by Heather Waldron

Not only did this challenge help my mojo find its way back home, I was able to use product I have had sitting in my stash for quite some time!

Looking forward to seeing all of your BTS projects!!!


  1. I really love your layered design and you did such an awesome job with the school themed products! Super, super cute!

  2. Adorable Brenda!!! And Congratulations on the DT spot! :)

  3. Thank you ladies!
    I am so excited to be joining this team of talented ladies!!!

  4. That sketch rocked it! That is so super cute!!

  5. Awesome job on this school themed layout! What an adorable photo! So glad you have your mojo back. It came back with a lovely vengeance! So glad you have joined the team!

  6. Great layout for a cute photo - glad to see your mojo is back, up and running, and that you have done a fab job of plundering your stash. Congratulations on joining the team.

  7. Super cute! Really love the background paper!

  8. Very nice BTS layout, I like the grid paper!

  9. Brenda you really rocked this out! Deb♥
