
December 10, 2012

Circle Around by Sarah

Hi Everyone! Sarah has a challenge layout for us today for Circle Around. Ready to see? Here she is!

I was late getting my page in *hanging head in shame*... The moving gremlins have been playing many tricks. My circle cutters got packed, even though I <swear> I didn't pack them. Opened 1/2 my packed Studio moving boxes and they were nowhere to be found.

Then my printed pictures vanished and magically reappeared 2 weeks later.


 My (late) page is about the wonderful opportunity we had to visit a friends farm the Monday of (Canadian) Thanksgiving Weekend. Our 4 boys all got a chance to try Ax Throwing for the 1st time. My eldest, Arthur, is front and center for this lay-out.

Journaling reads:

1...2...3... THROW!!!

*Beautiful fall day spent at the Buchanan Farm... The Boys were thrilled to try Ax Throwing. Arthur is a natural !!!!*

I ended up going very 'old school' on the circles for this layout, Read: everything is hand-cut!

Was at a small local crop and no one else had a circle cutter there either, so I grabbed the only things I could find to use as guides. Traced  a wide circle around a Styrofoam plate for the biggest circle, when I cut that out and it was a wee lopsided BUT so was the log-slice target the boys were using. huzzah! I meant it be that way (uh-huh...) really. :) The blue circle was an exact tracing of the plate (much better form), the next white circle was traced on a large tin of Prima flowers and the red was the inside of a roll of adhesive.

Really wanted it to look like the target they used so I dragged a light brown ink pad down the 'target' before attaching it to the backing to make the wood cracks.

Also roughed up the background paper with sand paper and ink.

This month's mini-themes for me is 'mother-of-invention and rustic', lol.

Added a 2nd picture with a close-up of Arthur and the target so you can see what I was going for.

Sarah- Main PageSarah #2


  1. I like the natural look of the target on your page to replicate the photos.

  2. Sarah your page design is perfect for the photos! Way to go on the circle challenge! The journaling around the circle is a nice touch also!

  3. What fun photos and fun design. Great job Sarah!

  4. Your circles are brilliant ... they look so like the real thing in the photos it's uncanny. A really fun layout.

  5. That is a great target you made, at first I thought maybe you had made your own paper with a pic of the actual target!
