
March 5, 2014

Stash A Thon Birthday Giveaway WINNER!!!!!

Good Morning!!!!
First we would like to thank Lisa and My Kreative Pursuits

for not only sponsoring one of our Grand Prizes for the Scrap A Thon, but also for  providing an extra prize for our giveaway!!!!
If you haven't already, please stop by and check out My Kreative Pursuits
and/or visit them on Facebook!

The winner of the My Minds Eye Lost & Found Record It 6 x 6 Paper Pad
Tammi Lund Bennett

Congratulations Tammi!!!
  Please leave a comment below and email your mailing address to:
to claim your prize!
In the subject line of your email, please add Stash A Thon Giveaway!!!
*You have until April 5, 2014 to claim your prize!!!


Thanks to all those that entered!!
Make sure you check back later this morning, we will be posting
Stash A Thon Challenge #2