
April 4, 2014

"Cherish" LO by DT Elizabeth

Happy Friday!!!

Just a friendly reminder - all Stash A Thon layouts are due
tomorrow, April 5th by 11:59 PST. :)

Now on for some inspirational creation by Dt Elizabeth:

Elizabeth said, "Goodness! What a challenge for me this was! Not really because I didn't have the supplies, but I had to find the time to sit and scrap. Life is like that and as I allowed myself to actually sit and create this and complete this challenge, it felt good! It reminds me of spring and how things bloom, they change, and I am in the process of doing both so this challenge for me was an amazing reflection of something I was missing! So thankful for challenges like this to get us to see that life all around is something to cherish!"

For more information on this Stash Challenge, click HERE. :) 


  1. Lovely reveal Elizabeth! The sepia tone photo works well with your product selection and the bold title just sets the page off! WTG!

  2. Great layout and I love that picture! The splatters and heart paper really are the perfect touch.
