
March 12, 2015

"Life Captured" Layout by DT Kate

Hi there!
Today's awesome inspiration was created by talented DT Kate
inspired by our 
"Spent a SUPER SUNDAY with my big sis for a photography class but we had a little tag-a-long with us so we gave him a camera too. He was a great sport about it and for being so good all day, got to ride the merry-go-round at the end...Little did we know he'd want to ride it for 30 minutes! But since he was the only one there, it was great and we got more great photos!
S- Star paperclip from Freckled Fawn
E-Epic wood veneer
C-Circle stickers
L-Lined paper"

Here is a look at our challenge that inspired Kate's delightful layout:
Inspired by Kate's layout and/or the challenge?
Create a layout and share it with us by March 29th and you will be automatically entered into this month's sponsored prize drawing?

Look at the prize our sponsor
is generously providing to our lucky random drawn winner this month:
Clique Kits March J'Adore Kit:
For complete challenge details and description of the prize
Click HERE

Thank you for stopping by today and I hope you come back tomorrow for 
another day of Design team inspiration!