
December 5, 2010

Show N' Tell Sunday by Wendy

A Christmas tree in Disney fashion! Putting up our tree (and taking it down!) is a lot of work each year but so much fun and so enjoyable. Now that the kids are older, they get to help put the ornaments on the tree. It's like opening presents each year as we remember which ones have moving parts, which ones make noise, and which ones light up. This tree is reserved for Disney ornaments only and we have another one that we put up with all of our other ornaments on it.


  1. Wow - love your tree - it's so full! And love the idea of the Disney Tree... One of my trees is TOY STORY! The kids decorate it - so all the ornaments (toys) are in a straight row across the bottom of the tree. I'll have to post a picture for next Sunday!

  2. How fantastic! I will say, I am a tad jealous that you have more than one tree! :D

  3. Very pretty! I love how the kids look at the ornaments each year, like they never saw them before. I love Disney! Awesome tree!
