
March 31, 2011

April Bring in the Sun Challenge

The April Challenge is to Bring in the Sun! Most everyone is ready for winter to end and spring to be here.  So this months challenge is to do something with or about the Sun.  It can be a layout, card, album, or anything you want to create that has something to do with the Sun.

The possibilities are endless. Just complete your project and send a picture along with a description to . Your project will be posted here at Scrap Our Stash. The challenge will end at 6:00 PM on April 30th. A winner will be chosen and offered the opportunity to become a Guest Design Team Member for the month of June.

So let the Sunshine in - and lets see what project you come up with!

 Be sure to scroll down the page - Scrap Our Stash posts something new everyday.


  1. this is a good one! can't wait to see everyone's ideas

  2. Great challenge! I am SSOOOOO looking forward to our snow going and the sun shining!! Hopefully soon!

  3. Just in case anyone is waiting to hear, Kathy has a new grandson. I don't know a lot of details as Kathy has been busy with the other grandkids.
    He was born yesterday around 3:50 pm by cesarean section after the baby didn't like contractions so much. He weighed in at 7-7 and his name is Isaac Judson. I have no pictures yet, I am sure they will be coming soon.

  4. I have tons of photos I can use for this. It's time to finish off some of last year's pool photos!

  5. I've finally managed to join in! My project will be on the e-mail wave in a few seconds, and thanks so much for the inspiration!
