
April 7, 2011

Frugal Friday Tip by Christy

Phrases Can Be More Than Meet the Eye

Every so often, the kits I choose come with a pre-made word or phrase that I find difficult to use. These will often then sit, unused, as I don't have a clue what to do with them. In this particular case, I had the word "girly" in the form of a rub-on. There is nothing really girly in my house (other than me and my female cat). Everything else is well...very much male dominated as I have a son, my wonderful husband and 2 other male pets. So the question was " when will I ever use this?!?"

Crate Paper Seasons rub-ons
The answer arrived while making my latest page. It's probably not new to some, but it's new for me. I could simply cut the word apart and use sections of it in the title! March Inspiration Scraplift of Maggie Holmes'
" I Absolutely love your Laugh"
Using the rub-ons and a variety of letter stickers made the title more interesting and allowed me to use up an otherwise unusable item in my stash. I invite you to also think a little more out of the box with the words and phrases in your stash. You just might like what you end up with. If you use this tip - please share the results with us here at Scrap Our Stash. Send a picture along with a description to We will post your project here.

Do you have a frugal tip you'd like to share. Send your tip along with a picture to You could be featured as a future Frugal Friday Tip.


  1. OH that's a great idea! I had never thought of that. THanks!

  2. Okay...I guess I am slow this morning but it took me a minute to realize that you meant that we could cut the word apart and just use the letters separately! LOL (give me some more coffee!

    It is a great idea (once I realized the idea) and I also hadn't really thought to do that before. I will have to try it!! So thanks for sharing!!

  3. great idea and love your banner at the top

  4. What a great idea! TFS!! Super layout!

  5. Thanks for the great idea - I always have extra phrases - and they usually just sit in my stash! I'll have to try this.

    Great layout too. I really like your little border embelishments.

  6. Great idea! Super cute page too!

  7. Thank you for the compliments!:)

  8. Love this tip, way to get creative!
