
August 26, 2011

August Re-Do Challenge by Kathy

I actually completed something for the August Re-Do Challenge

I'm not one to re-do pages.  I usually work on them until I'm happy with the result (which sometimes means days).  But lately, I've been in more "just get 'er done mode".  This was one of those pages.  I actually was "Pagerizing" this from a magazine - but in the process lost my notes - and don't know which magazine and since I have hundreds to chooses from - it just kinda got stuck back in my album as if it were complete.  Everytime someone looked at it - I felt I had to appologize for how "Unfinished" it was.  But, didn't know how to finish it.  So, I took this Challenge as my inspiration to Finish it.  It is still far from a favorite page - but it's done without feeling like it was just one of those slap the  pictures on the page and be done with it layouts.  The title says:  My Favorites Under the Tree.  That was another issue (how many pages can you title - decorating the tree).  By the way, I may not have that issue this Christmas (but I'm too embarrased to tell you why).

Now it's your turn to take the August Re-Do Challenge. See all the details HERE!

Be sure to scroll down the page - Scrap Our Stash posts something new everyday.
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  1. I love that little string of lights you added. Very cool!

  2. Your re-do is perfectly done! You have me curious...

  3. Love the finished result and the string of lights across the top!
