
November 2, 2011

November Recipe Challenge by La Vikinga

Guest Design Team Member La Vikinga submitted this layout for the November Receipe Challenge.  She said:

Here´s my contribution to the November Recipe Challenge. I live in a not-thanksgiving-celebrating country and chose to follow the recipe in the instruction:
1 cardstock in the bottom
2 patterned papers (from Scandinavian Design)
3 photos, the title in 4 words that says "True coulours of fall" and 5 embellishments; one flowercluster, 3 maple leaves and one piece of ribbon. The pictures are from an event at the local city museum called "harvest-fest".  I just loved to go around at the market looking at all the vegetables like squash, decorative pumpkins, fresh made marmalade and suddenly there was an apple cut by a talented woman from Thailand.
La Vikinga PS.

Now it's your turn to take the November Recipe Challenge. You have two choices.

Follow this recipe:
5 embelishments (flowers, buttons, etc)
4 words or letters in your title
3 pictures
2 pattern papers
1 solid paper
You can do a layout containing a recipe - maybe one of your family's favorite Thanksgiving dish or a family recipe.

To participate in the November Recipe Challenge - just complete a project using one of the challenges mentioned above and email a picture of your project along with a description to   All submissions will be posted to The Scrap Our Stash blog and on November 30th a winner will be chosen, and given the opportunity to be a Guest Design Team Member for the month of January. This challenge ends at midnight central time on November 30th.  Posted by Picasa


  1. Neat photos and I love the color scheme!

  2. Oh, what a bright and happy layout! You colors and photos are amazing! Great job.

  3. Thank you all for the positive feedback!

    La Vikinga

  4. Wow - what cool vegies - and your color choice is stunning! Great job!

  5. Such a cool layout!! Love those photos! What a great idea for a layout.

  6. Great showcasing of the colors of the vegetables!

  7. That apple is cool! Great page to show off such gorgeous photos!! Love your title area.

  8. Great idea for a layout, I love seeing all the everyday things that we all experience! Love the colours! K x

  9. Wonderful photos complimented by such rich colours! Great Lo!

  10. Gorgeous layout - the colours used compliment the vibrant coloured fruits in the photographs. Elizabeth x
