
April 3, 2012

April SPRING FLING Challenge by Sarah

 My poor work table is a mess after this month's Topic, but a pretty mess. 
I decided to make Spring Fling about flinging Spring colored Paint... all over my page. 
When I started I envisioned a magazine/catalog style layout, clean (um, despite the splattered paint, lol) simple and letting the pictures tell the story. 
 Also a good excuse to get last year's Easter Egg pictures scrapped before this year's pictures are waiting in my laptop too. Really glad I did too! Within minutes of finishing 3 of my 4 boyz came into the Studio, started ooh-ing and ahh-ing over the page and looking for their eggs in the big picture. 
Nice reminder that *this* is why we scrapbook.  
I started with a plain white page, wow... I *never* use these so, of course, I had lots in my stash gathering dust. Then I chose 4 DecoArt Acrylic paints to fling: Violet Pearl (shiny!), Tutti Fruitti (doncha' just love the name of this pink?!), Daffodil Yellow (more spring!) and Tropical Green.
Dribbled a bit right onto the paper from each bottle as well as adding a few drops of water in a metal $1 store sauce cup (use these a lot) to make it a little thinner for easier splattering. 
Then I started flinging! 
Should have waited a few hours for it all to dry, but I didn't... so there's a smear here and there. ooops. 
The picture 'strip' was printed out in 2 parts then overlapped on some light blue textured cardstock (bazzill?) the main picture was matted with the same paper, inked around all the edges. Behind the picture strip is a scrap of packaging from some 12X12 papers, the company was nice enough to pattern the inside of their packaging and I'm just cheap enough to have saved it. ;O) 
The rest of the colored strips are Stampin'Up! stickers from the Sell-a-bration freebie kit from, uh 2 years ago?... I think. More stash stuff that needed using up.
The title is computer printed (Japan font) and then I traced over areas I wanted more defined with a back Gel-Roll Pen. Final touch was the bright pink Pearl Gems from the $ store.


So clean and white... not for long...
...aaaaand the final color FLING!

Now it's your turn to take the April SPRING FLING Challenge. The April Challenge is anything to do with SPRING FLING. The possibilities are endless. Anything goes! So think SPRING FLING and take the challenge. To participate in the April SPRING FLING Challenge - just email a picture of your project along with a description to

All submissions will be posted to The Scrap Our Stash blog and on April 30th a winner will be chosen, and given the opportunity to be a Guest Design Team Member for the month of May. This challenge ends at midnight central time on April 30th.


  1. What fun you must have had doing this unique page! I really like how that background turned out and your eggs looks great too!

  2. I love the way you used the paint! It looks like you had a lot of fun making this page!

  3. Love how you interpreted the "fling" part of this challenge!! How fun!!!
    Great page!

  4. Now that is an absolutely fabulous egg dying layout! I love the colors and the photo of all the colored eggs together. And I love your flinging, great colors!

  5. Your spring fling looks like so much fun! I am going to have to try it. I love all those eggs too. Cool layout!

  6. This is adorable - you really took the FLING part litterally. Awesome end result! Love it!

  7. How fun and how awesome did your layout come out! Excellent job on this one!!!! Love it!

  8. Thanks for explaining for us foreigners exactly what "spring fling" means!!! Excellent tutorial! Great colours and pictures, too!!!

    La Vikinga, Swedish...

  9. How fun and very brave of you, not sure I would be flinging paint because I'm pretty sure my 4 year old would think it's okay to do it wherever she wanted too! Your page is so colorful and cute, I love it!

  10. totally awesome! We used to do those art pics like that at an amusement park. LOL Love how bright and colorful your page is. Great bright photos as well!

  11. Love the colorful eggs and layout!

  12. Hahaha - you sure flung it this spring - with your acrylic paints!
