
January 16, 2013

Tag You're It by our Friend Jessica Navarro

We have another friend stopping by today with her layout for Tag You're It! Look at her sweet sweet baby!!!

These are pictures of my daughter and I in Aruba. We took an island tour of Aruba and DD zonked out right before our lunch destination and then slept in my arms throughout the entire lunch. She was exhausted from such a busy morning. The tags are from Creative Memories and I stuck them into a pocket I made out of a journaling pad. I added a bit of ribbon to the tags. I left the tags blank as I journaled on the journaling block; a technique I have never used, but I really like how it turned out. I have posted more information and pictures on my blog at


  1. Such a sweetie! I love those cheeks! Your layout is darling too.

  2. Love your layout! Love what you did with the tags in the pocket! Fabulous job! Thanks for joining us!

  3. Cute colors combining with babys' clothes!
    Great LO,

    Charlotta / La Vikinga

  4. Great layout Jessica! I like the borders!

  5. Lovely layout - your DD is a bonnie baby.

  6. Those pics are so stinkin' cute and I love the colors you've used in your LO--so cute!
