
March 23, 2011

March Dust it Off Challenge by Kathy

My collection of 12 x 12 post bound albums

Organizing all the complete layouts in chrono order

For the Dust it Off Challenge I decided to dust off my closet full of 12 x 12 post bound albums and put my completed layouts in them.  I use to scrap in chronological order - but that was before my  digital camera - and before Grand kids 2 and 3.  I have been putting my completed layouts in what was originally 1 3 ring binder.  The 1 grew to 5, plus 3 overflow albums - so it was definitely time to get them in a postbound.  

I was able to file layouts from 2005 - 2009.  I decided to keep the 2010 & 2011 layouts in the 3 ring binders.  I ended up with 24 post bound albums. 

2 piles of complete albums
Now it's your turn to take the March Challenge. See all the details HERE!

Be sure to scroll down the page - Scrap Our Stash posts something new everyday.
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  1. wow!!! that must of taken forever! That's wonderful you got it all done though!

  2. Amazing- I have a pile of about 100 LOs that haven't seen an album yet! Must get to work on that.

  3. wow very impressive. i do mine every 3-4 months and it takes me about an hour--can't believe how long this must have taken you

  4. Wonderful, that's a lot of lovely layouts to look through and share lovely memories! K x

  5. Great project, lots of work but looks like lots of fun! And now it's all done, congrats!

  6. congrats on getting organized! yay! It's fun to go back through the old layouts for something like this.

  7. Holy smokes layouts! Just seeing this reminds me I really need to get back to my scrapbooking! Thanks for sharing!

  8. I am sure it took a while, but now it will be easy to maintain your storage system for LO's.

  9. Gosh girl, that was a lot of work!! But what a sigh of relief when you finished right??!! Now it will be so much easier to keep up with. Great idea.

  10. Oh my, that was alot of work, I'm sure! Way to go!

  11. Wow Kathy! I know your pain in this organizing but I'm sure it felt great to get them all put in books!
