Design Team member Monica submitted the following Frugal Friday Tip. She said, "My frugal tip is a simple one that some of you may already do. I save almost all of my paper scraps, I hate to throw paper away. I use my scraps to make simple cards. I don't like to spend too much time on my cards, I like them simple. Making cards is also a good way to use up all these flowers you have or any other embellishment you haven't used in a while.
I keep my cardstock scraps by color and then have a folder for all my patterned paper scraps. I made all these cards one night when I couldn't sleep but didn't feel like I wanted to do a whole lo. What do you do with your scraps?
If you have a frugal tip to share - just email the tip along with a picture to
scrappinpsycho@live.com. You could be featured as our next Frugal Friday tip.