Hi there and Merry Christmas!
Last night we went to our good friends house for Christmas Eve dinner. A bunch of military boys and their wives all get together whenever we can and as usual it was a wonderful time! This was the first year that we didn't do something at our house because we have just moved and aren't even close to being done unpacking let alone having dinner here! I am glad that we got to
at least get a picture in front of our friends beautiful tree for my album seeing as how we don't have one!
This year is the first Christmas without my Nana. She passed away earlier this year and she is missed greatly. I wanted to do something special to keep her spirit alive and make her a part of our Christmas this year. My Nana was an AMAZING cook and every year when we were kids we always would look forward to all of the goodies that we knew she could bring to our house on Christmas day! This year I decided to make her coveted Black Moons to bring to dinner at our friends house (and an extra batch for me to keep at our new house for us to munch on of course!) As always they were a HUGE hit and got all gobbled up by our friends, I did however manage to snap a few pictures before we left the house!
I want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas, happy holidays and an amazing new year!
-Sara Laurent