September 1, 2023

Winner Announced!


Thank you for participating in our 
August Sketch Challenge!
Without further ado,
August winner is......

Jessica Shurts

You have won a 
$20 ScrapRoom Kit Club Gift Card

Please comment on this post below and email us at:
with "August SOS Winner" in the subject line

Thank you to all who played along with our August Challenge! 

Also, as we announced yesterday, we are taking a break from posting challenges at the time.  
Thank you all for participating, staying motivated and inspired and 
a special thanks to the current and past Design Team members!!!


  1. Thanks for your valuable insights

  2. Lauren from California, I am 29 years old and have been diagnosed with breast cancer & hsv 1/2 and diabetes, ease of treatment and a similar story, except for my first acceptance as a rejection of herbal medicine. I was not part of the Perseid movement and did not really build relationships with any of them, I just believed in their operation. I say this because it was during the use of Dr. Jekawo herbal medicine that I now attest that herbal medicine is real, the phytotherapy Dr. Jekawo cures my breast cancer,hsv,diabetes which I suffered for 2 years. Dr. Jekawo herbal medicine is made of natural herbs, with no side effects, and easy to drink. If you have the same breast cancer or any type of human illness, including HIV / AIDS, herpes cancer, bladder cancer, bladder cancer, prostate cancer, kidney cancer, lung cancer, skin cancer, skin cancer and skin cancer, Dementia,Alzheimer's disease,testicular Cancer, LEUKEMIA, VIRUSES, HEPATITIS, INFERTILITY WOMEN / MAN, LOT OF LOVE, LOTTERY. ITS CONTACT THE GREAT HEALER DR JEKAWO EMAIL /
    Thank you administrator.
